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Halloween Ideas For The Sober Curious

With Halloween just around the corner, many people are preparing for parties. Even if you normally don’t indulge in substance use, Halloween activities often involve alcohol.

But many are starting to follow a national trend that started about a decade ago called Sober October, where sober-curious people pause or limit drug and alcohol use during October.

Some participants are in recovery from an addiction to drugs, others may be testing out the waters of a sober lifestyle to feel the physical and mental benefits of abstinence.

Whatever the case, many people this year will be looking for something to do on Halloween that doesn’t involve doing drugs or drinking.

What can a sober-curious person do on Halloween? Lots of fun and engaging activities. We’ve put together some drug-free ideas here that can provide opportunities for a clear-minded and fun Halloween.

What Is Sober Curious?

Until recently, many people felt that you either indulged in substances or completely abstained from them.

People with histories of abusing alcohol or other substances should refrain from mind-altering substances. Sobriety can help these people find balance and serenity.

However, recent years have shown a spike in people dipping their toes into sobriety. “Sober curious” is a fluid term, but for most, it means being more conscious of their drinking habits.

For example, instead of a commitment to sobriety for a lifetime, a sober-curious person may decide to be sober for a couple of months a year or only drink one day of the week.

Someone may try intermittent abstaining or selective sobriety to experience the health benefits of not drinking or to make more time for personal aspirations.

There is no right or wrong way to be sober curious. Everyone interprets it in their own way. The goal is to figure out what you are comfortable with and what benefits your physical and mental health the most.

Fun Drug-Free Halloween Ideas

Halloween can be a perfect opportunity to indulge in childhood activities, spend quality time with friends and family, and show your artistic side.

Below are some fun Halloween ideas for those looking to stay away from alcohol, opioids, or other substances this holiday season.

Host A Costume Party

One of the best parts of Halloween is finding that one character or object you want to be for the night. There’s always the classic ghost or witch, but the possibilities are practically endless.

You can go to your local party shop and buy a premade costume, or get creative and make the costume yourself.

Start a group chat with your friends and family so that you can share pictures and compare and applaud each other’s efforts. You’re sure to get praise for pulling off a well-made costume.

Carve Pumpkins

Pumpkins are synonymous with Halloween and childhood. A fun memory for many people involves carving our favorite design into that perfect pumpkin we found at the pumpkin patch.

So why not relive this tradition as an adult? Almost every city has a local pumpkin patch where you can enjoy treats, hay rides, and a brisk fall afternoon.

Pumpkin patches are also a fun sober date idea. Whether meeting someone for the first time or enjoying time with your partner, a pumpkin patch offers a lot to do sober.

Go Trick-Or-Treating With Kids

Trick-or-treating is another Halloween tradition that many enjoyed as kids but stopped doing long ago.

While it may be true that going door-to-door as an adult asking for candy is strange, there’s always the option of going with your own children or other kids you know.

If you don’t have any kids, consider joining friends or family who have children. Children love when an adult spends time with them. Plus, kids make the perfect sober acquaintances.

Dance, Sing, Or Mingle

Some think that drinking alcohol or using other substances allows them to function socially and successfully at gatherings.

Without substances, it may seem harder to talk to people at social gatherings. However, drinking to excess, or even moderate drinking, can make you equally socially awkward.

Limiting your drinking allows you to be more fully in the moment. Hitting the dance floor, singing, or asking others about their lives all usually go over better when you’re fully engaged.

Binge-Watch Halloween Films

There are numerous Halloween-inspired horror films, suspense movies, thrillers, and comedies to watch, so why not gather some friends for a movie marathon? Scary movies, in particular, are often best enjoyed with company.

Be sure to grab lots of snacks and beverages. If you want to get even more festive, you can make some Halloween treats, such as ghost cookies or green punch.

Celebrate During The Day

Halloween is usually associated with nighttime, but who says it can’t be celebrated during the day? Many towns set up “haunted” parks, houses, or trails to enjoy.

Celebrating during the day relieves the pressure of drinking since most alcohol use occurs at night. You can head home afterward and watch a Halloween-themed movie.

Be Of Service

Focusing on others diverts attention away from indulging in substances. There are plenty of opportunities to help because of the many Halloween parties and other events.

Reach out to any close friends, coworkers, or family members who may need some extra help. Offering to bring food or help decorate their house can fill you with purpose and gratitude.

How To Be Sober Curious Around Drinking

Many who are sober curious will be spending time around people who are still drinking. It may sound hard to limit alcohol use at a party, but having a plan can make it easier.

The first thing you can do is tell a close buddy, or perhaps your partner, how much you intend to drink. Someone who has your best intentions in mind can help keep you accountable.

There are slick and easy ways to turn down a drink. Keeping a non-alcoholic beverage in your hand usually stops people from asking. You can also tell people you are driving someone later.

If you’re bored when around drinking, try turning your attention to the music or making new friends. Comment on people’s costumes and ask why they chose their particular character.

Sober curious is a broad term. For some, it may involve still indulging in a couple of drinks but avoiding intoxication.

Don’t be hard on yourself if you do have more than intended. Being sober curious allows you to try out what does and doesn’t work for you.

Addiction Treatment In Massachusetts

Severe drug and alcohol use doesn’t have to take over your holiday season. Treatment programs for addiction can help you get started on the road to recovery.

We offer many addiction treatment services at Recovering Champions, such as inpatient and outpatient programs and aftercare services.

Reach out to one of our recovery specialists today to learn more.

Questions About Treatment?

Recovering Champions offers 100% confidential substance abuse assessment and treatment placement tailored to your individual needs. Achieve long-term recovery.


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Recovering Champions Is an accredited drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, that believes addiction treatment should not just address “how to stay sober” but needs to transform the life of the addict and empower him or her to create a more meaningful and positive life. We are dedicated to transforming the despair of addiction into a purposeful life of confidence, self-respect and happiness. We want to give recovering addicts the tools to return to the outside world completely substance-free and successful.

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